Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Morphological Text Sampling Analysis

KOMPAS.COM- Islamic Smartphone with Compass Permanently Pointing to Mecca Launched
Islamic Smartphone with Compass Permanently Pointing to Mecca Launched. An Islamic smartphone has been launched with a compass pointing permanently to Mecca and the Koran already downloaded.
Inventors of the Enmac in India said they focused on religious technology when designing the new phone. And the market is heaving as India has the fastest growing mobile phone users in the world with more than 850 million subscribers including farmers and rickshaw drivers.  Anuj Kanish, who has launched the Enmac in India, told The Telegraph: 'India has around 180 million Muslims and the penetration of mobile phone in that community is less.
But when a compelling product or service is available, it has a potential to increase the number of users. So far, we have had a tremendous response for the product.’ He added: 'Religion has a very important place in Indian society, so has the mobile phone.
Our aim was to bring a device which caters to both the sections, the product is a combination of both technology and religion, the first of its kind in India. 'The Enmac translates the Koran from Arabic into 29 languages, and includes the Hadith sayings of the Prophet Mohammed, and a guide for Indian Muslims on how to perform the Hajj rituals in Mecca and Medina. Mr Kanish said his company had focused on 'religious technology' to help customers with busy lives 'remain connected with God.'

Lexical morpheme:                  Fuctional morpheme:
Red: noun                               Brown: Articles
Green: adjective                      Orange: demonstratives
Blue: preposition                     Pink: Pronouns
Yellow: Verb                          Green: Conjunction
Purple: adverb

As we know, morphology has pivotal role in the field of  linguistic. It has fundamental role which is chained  with the other branches of linguistic, but what is morphology itself? In brief  morphology is the study of internal structure of word (Katamba, 1994). Furthermore, there are some linguists that defined morphology with different definition, but actually it has same meaning. The example is the definition of Wardhaugh (1977), he defined morphology as the study of morpheme and their combination in words. On the other hand, Crystal(1992) identified morphology as the study of  morphemes, their variation, and their combination in words. Thus, we can conclude that morphology is the branch of linguistic (scientific study of language) that study about internal structure of word, that concern in morphemes, their combination, and their variation ; or how word can be constructed and built.
On the other hand, morphology had built its own part in the history of linguistic field. Early in the nineteenth century, morphology played pivotal role in reconstruction Indo-European. Later, morphology got the second wind when the Darwin’s theory, the theory of evolution, spread in western morphology also got the impact. Morphology was viewed as a means to reconstruct the origin of human language. By the time, the development of morphology reached the modern era of human civilization. Instead it is gone, morphology still exist and gives it role in linguistic. Its development has not found its end. Factually, this discipline, agree or nor, becomes a gate to learn more about language itself.
After we have known the definition and the development of morphology, we can have a conclusion that morphology is an important means to learn language more. It is not only a discipline that stug and does not develop, it is a kind of scientific study that has grown day by day. Thus, it is important for us to learn more about morphology. By extension, the term ‘morphology’ is used not only for the study of the shapes of words but also for the collction of units which are used in chaging the forms of words. Morphology is also used for the sequence of rules which are postulated by the linguist to sccount for to changes in the shapes of words.
In this paper, I will research the morphological phenomena on a news from electronic newspaper.

Morpheme is the smallest difference in the shape of a word that correlates with the smallest difference in word or sentence meaning or in grammatical structure. (Katamba, 1994)
Morphemes can be divided into two general- classes. Every morpheme can be slassified as either free and bound.
a.       Free morphemes, that is morpheme which can stand by themselves as single morpheme.
George Yule(1985:60) menyatakan bahwa morfem bebas adalah morfem yang dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai suatu kata.
There are kind of free morpheme:
a.       Noun
b.      Adjective
c.       Preposition
d.      Adverb
Table of free morpheme on the text:
1.      Lexical morpheme:
Lexical morpheme:
Paragraph 1
The first sentence: Compass,
The second sentence:  compass, Koran.

The first sentence:  Enmac, technology, new, phone.
The second sentence: more, mobile phone, market, rickshaw.
The third sentence: Anuj Kanish, Enmac, Telegraph, India, penetration, mobile phone, community.
 The first sentence: product, available, potential.
The second sentence: tremendous, response, product.
The third sentence: increase, Religion, society, place, mobile phone.
The first sentence: aim, first, device, kind, product, combination, technology, religion.
The second sentence: Enmac, Koran, Arabic, language, Hadith, Prophet, Mohammed, guide, Hajj.
The tird sentence: Mr. Kasnish, company, technology, remain.
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The thirth sentence: less.
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: far.
The thirth sentence: important.
The first sentence: both.
The second sentence:-
The third sentence: busy.
The first sentence: with, to.
The second sentence: with, to.
The first sentence: of, in, on.
The second sentence: in, with.
The thirth sentence: in,  of, in,
The first sentence: to, of.
The second sentence: for.
The thirth sentence: in.
The first sentence: to, to, of, of, in.
The second sentence: from, into, of, for, on, to.
The third sentence: on, to, with, with.
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The third sentence: -

The first sentence: service.
The second sentence: so, have.
The third sentenece: so.
The first sentence: bring.
The second sentence: perform.
The third sentence: help.
The first sentence: Mecca
The second sentence: Mecca
The first sentence: India.
The second sentence: world, India.
The third sentence: India, around.
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The thirth sentence: -
The first sentence: India.
The second sentence: Mecca, Medina.

2.      Functional morpheme:
Functional morpheme:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: An, a, the.
The first sentence: the, the.
The second sentence: the, the, the.
The third sentence: the, the.
The first sentence: a, a.
The second sentence: a, the.
The thirth sentence: a, the.
The first sentence: a, the, the, a, the.
The second sentence: The, the, the, the, a, the,
The third sentence: -
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The thirth sentence: that.
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The thirth sentence: -
The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -

The first sentence: -
The second sentence: -
The first sentence: they.
The second sentence: -
The third sentence: who.
The third sentence: he.
The first sentence: our, which, its.

The first sentence: -
The second sentence: and.
The first sentence: when.
The second sentence: and, than, and.
The third: and.
The first sentence: But, when, or.
The second sentence: -
The thirth sentence: -
The first sentence: and, The second sentence: and, and, and.

b.      Bound morpheme:
According to wikepedia, In morphology, a bound morpheme is a morpheme that only appears as part of a larger word; a free or unbound morpheme is one that can stand alone.
That is those which can not normally, stand alone, but which are typically attached to another from, e.g, re, -ist, -ad, and –s.
a.       Derivational morpheme, when combind with a root, change either the semnatic meaning or part of speech of the affected word.
b.      Inflectional morpheme, modify a verb tense or noun’s number without affecting the words meaning or class.
Finding :
Bound Morphemes:
On the text:
Derivatinal morphemes
1. Islamic: Islam+ ic
Adj: Noun+ suffiex (ic)
1.   Permanently: Permanent+ ly
Adj: Noun+ suffiex (ly)
2.   Religious: religion+ us
Adj: Noun+ suffiex
3.    Focused: focus + ed
Adverb: noun + suffiex(ed)
4.    Designing: design + ing
Verb: noun + suffiex(ing)
5.    Compelling: compel +ing
Adj: adverb + suffiex(ing)
Infceltional morphemes
Pointing, launched, downloaded, inventors, said, heaving, fastest, growing, users, subscribers, including, farmers, drivers, told, muslims, added, caters, sections, translates, languages, includes, sayings, Indian, muslims, rituals, said, religious, customers, lives, connected.

According to wikepedia, Affixation is, thus, the linguistic process speakers use to form different words by adding morphemes (affixes) at the beginning (prefixation), the middle (infixation) or the end (suffixation) of words.
Kinds of affixes:
1.      Prefixes, a prefixes is an affix attached before a root or base.
2.      Suffixes, is an affix attached after a root or stem or base.
Finding, I can find a lot of words that include suffixes:
Islamic. Permanently, Religious, Arabic, Indian, Pointing, launched, already, downloaded, inventors, said, focused, religious, designing, heaving, fastest, growing, users, subscribers, including, farmers, drivers, told, muslims, compelling, added, Indian, caters, sections, translates, Arabic, languages, includes, sayings, Indian, muslims, rituals, said, religious, customers, lives, connected.
According to wikipedia, Phonological conditioning is a certain form of conditioning, where the choice of allomorphs is sensitive to the phonological context and can be predicted from it (e.g. regular plural suffix in English).
Normally, the plural morpheme is realized by a phonologicallly conditioned allomorph whose distribution is stated in explanation below.
a.       Select allomorph /-iz/ if a noun ends in an alveolar or alveo-palatal sibilant (i.e.a consonant with a sharp, hissing sound such as /s z Æ’ з tÆ’ dз/
Translates     /trænsleitiz/
Languages   /læŋgwıdзjiz/
Includes       /in’klu:diz/
Lives            /liviz/
b.      Select allomorph /-z/ elsewhere (i.e if the noun ends in a voiced non- strident segment; this includes all vowels and consonants /b d g m n l r w j/)
Inventors     /in’ventÉ™rz/
Users            /yuwzÉ™rz/
Subscribers  /sÉ™b’skraibÉ™rz/
Farmers        /farmÉ™rz/
Drivers         /draivÉ™rz/
Caters          /keitÉ™rz/
Customers    /kΛstÉ™mÉ™rz/
Sayings        /seingz/
Muslims       /mΛslÉ™mz/
Sections       /seksyÉ™nz/
Rituals         /ricuÉ™lz/
According to wardhaugh, the choice of allomorph may be grammatically conditioned, i.e. it may be dependent on the presence of a particular grammatical element. A special allomorph may be required in a given grammatical context although there might not be any good phonological reason for its selection.
Pointing,                 from point /pÉ”intin/ to pointing /pÉ”inting/
Launched,              from launch /lÉ”:ntÆ’/ to launched /lÉ”:ntÆ’t/
Downloaded          from download /daÊŠn’ləʊd/ to downloaded / daÊŠn’ləʊdet/
Said                                    from say /seɪ/ to said /sed/
Focused                  from focus /fəʊkÉ™s/ to focused /fəʊkÉ™st/
Designing               from design /di’zain/ to designing /di’zaining/
Heaving                  from heave /hiev/ to heaving /hieving/
Growing                 from grow /grəʊ/ to growing /grəʊ/
Including                from include /in’klu:d/ to including /in’klu:d/
Told                        from tell /tel/ to told /towld/
Compelling             from compel /kÉ™m’pÉ™l/ to compelling /kÉ™m’pÉ™l/
Connected              from connect /kÉ™nekt/ to connected /kÉ™nektet/
A rule of suppletion or lexical conditioning only applies if a form is expressly marked as being subject to it.
In linguistics, word formation is the creation of a new word. Word formation is sometimes contrased with semantic change, which is a change in a change in a single word’s meaning.
Word formation consist of coinages, borrowing and compounding:
a.       Coinages
Coinages is the word formation process in which a new word is created either deliberately or accidentally without using the other word formation processess and often from seeningly nothing.
b.      Borrowing
Borrowing is the word formation process in which a word one language is borrowed directly into another language.
c.       Compounding
Compounding is the word formation process in which two or more lexemes combine into a single new word.
1.      Subscribers:          Sub                  +          scribers (scribe + s)
Noun               +          noun
Kapal selam     +          ahli menulis (jamak)
Subcribers can be the other meaning, that is ‘langganan’.
2.      Increase:   in                     +          crease
preposition      +          noun
Dalam              +          lipatan
Increase can be the other meaning, that is ‘pertambahan’
A very specialized type of reduction process is known as back formation.
In linguistics, conversion also called zero derivation, is a kind of word formation; specifically, it is the creation of a word from an existing word without any change in form.
According to Yule(1990), multiple processes is word-formation processes in isolation, it is possible to trace the operation of more than one process at work in the creation of a particular word.

Word on the text
First prosses
Second prosses
Affixation (suffiex)
Sub  (kapal selam) + scribers (ahli menulis)
Subcriber + s
Noun                     +  noun
Noun       + suffiex

According to Yule, acronym are new words formed from the initial letters of a set of other words.
Finding: -
XI.             BLENDING
Blending is the combining of two separate forms to producea a single new term is also present in the prosses.
Fnding: -
XII.          CLIPPING
The element of reduction which is noticable in blending is even more apparent in the prosses described as clipping.
Clipping mainly consist of the following types:
1.      Back clipping
2.      Force clipping
Force- clipping or apharesis retains the final part.
3.      Middle clipping
4.      Complex clipping
Force clipping:
Phone (telephone)
Com (comercial)
a.       Verb
A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word (part of speech) that in syntax conveys an action, or stage of being.
Verb can be classified into:
a.       Transitive verb
Transitive verb is verb which need and object or complement in a sentence.
b.      Intransitive verb
Intransitive verb is verb which does not need the existence of objects or complement.
a.       Tarnsitive verb
Pointing, downloaded, said, heaving, told, heaving, compelling, increase, bring, translates,
b.      Intransitive verb
Launched, focused, added
Pointing, Launched, downloaded, said, focused, heaving, told, compelling, increase, added, bring, translates, sayings, perform, help, connected.
b.      Noun
In english, noun may be defined as those words which can occur with articles and atributive adjectives and can function as the head of a noun phrase.
Noun can be devided into concrete noun abstract noun and concrete noun:
a.       Abstract noun:
Abstract noun is an invisible noun, it can not be identified by human senses.
b.      Concrete noun:
Concrete noun is a visible noun, it means the noun that can be identified by human senses.
a.       Abstract noun
Religious, penetration, service, available, potential, tremendous, response, aim, device, first, kind, Religion, God.
b.      Concrete noun
Smartphone Compass Koran Enmac technology phone market mobile phone Anuj Kanish, Telegraph community product Arabic languages, Hadith Prophet Mohammed guide Hajj company customers remain Muslims.
c.       Adverb
Adverb is one of the parts of speech which has role to complete verb in sentence.
Kinds of adverb:
a.       Adverb of time
Adverb of time is adverb which is used to show the existence of time in a sentence.
b.      Adverb of place
Adverb of place show the condition of place in a sentence.
c.       Adverb of manner
Advebs of manner are often formed by adding –ly to adjective.
a.          Adverb of time: -
b.         Adverb of place: in Mecca, in Medina, in India
c.          Adverb of manner: permanently
d.      Preposition
Preposition allow to us about the way in which two parts of a sentence are related to each other.
With, to, of, on, in, for.
e.       Adjective
Adjective is a describing wordsl the main syntactic role of which is to quality a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified.
Less, far, important, both, busy
f.       Pronoun
Pronouns are usually treated as special sub-class of nouns.
Pronoun can be classified into there main pattern, they are:
a.       Personal pronoun
Personal pronoun has two cases, subjective and objective case
b.      Possessive pronoun
Possessive pronoun is used to show possessive case. It also has two cases:
As the adjective
As the pronoun
a.       Personal pronoun               : He, We
b.      Possessive pronoun           :
As the adjective    : Our
As the pronoun      : His
g.      Conjunction
Conjunction it would be very unusual for anyone to either speak or write completely in simple sentences: instead we tend to users mixture of simple, compound and complex sentence.
And, when, but, or.
h.      Determiner
The determiner class is one of the structure classes that sirradle the line between a word class and a function.
i.        Qualifier
Qualifier in English though some of these words have other functions as well.
More, kind in, very.
j.        Interjection
Interjection is a word used to express an emotion or sentiment on the part of the speaker (although most interjections have clear definitions).
Finding: -

  1. Conclussuion
From those discussions above, we can conclude that morphology has an important role in modern linguistic field. Morphology itself is the study of word structure, while here are the more conclusions:
  1. Morpheme is the minimal element or the smallest unit of grammatical function which words are made of and it also has a meaning.
  2. Word is a single unit of language that carries an idea, though abstract or concrete.
  3. Affixation is a morphological process by adding an affix or affixes to a morpheme or morphemes.
  4. An allomorph is a variant of a morpheme which occur certain definable environment
  5. .Word formation is a process to create a new word.
  1. The Benefit of the Paper
In this paper we can see that learning morphology is not something horrible, because we can learn more about morphology  in many ways. Include, look for the simple text.

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